30+ Essential Catalan Phrases And Expressions You Need To Know.

Whether you're an expat who once came to Catalonia and never left (ohh aren't we lovely), or a tourist who's visiting Barcelona and its surroundings for just a few days, Catalan people will love to hear you speaking - or at least trying - some Catalan.
Here are some of the most useful Catalan words, phrases, and expressions that will help you get started.
And don't forget to check out our Online Shop filled with products with some amazing Catalan words!
- Hello - Hola
- Goodbye - Adeu
- See you later - Fins després
- See you soon - Fins aviat
- Good morning - Bon dia
- Good afternoon - Bona tarda
- Good evening - Bon vespre
- Good night - Bona nit
Being Polite
- Please - Si us plau
- Thank you - Gràcies or Merci
- Thank you very much - Moltes gràcies
- You're welcome - De res
- I'm sorry - Ho sento
Making friends
- How are you? - Com estàs?
- It's nice to meet you - Molt de gust
- What's your name? - Com et dius?
- My name is Marta - Em dic Marta
- Where are you from? - D'on ets?
- Would you like a drink? - T'agradaria beure alguna cosa?
- Let's meet up later? - Quedem després?
- Cheers! - Salut!
For foodies
- I'm hungry - Tinc gana
- I'm thirsty - Tinc set
- A table for two please - Una taula per dos si us plau
- The menu - La carta
- A glass of wine - Una copa de vi
- Beer - Cervesa o Canya
- Bon appetit! - Bon profit!
- That was delicious! - Estava boníssim!
- The check, please - El compte, si us plau
- The tip - La propina
Are there any other Catalan words, phrases, or expressions you'd like to learn? Please let us know in the comments below! 👇
And don't forget to check out our Online Shop filled with products with some amazing Catalan words!
If you liked this article, you might also enjoy reading '18 Ways To Say 'I Love You' In Catalan'. 🤍
10 comentaris
So useful! Thanks Catalan Words 😊
Els hi enviaré als meus companys de feina expats!
Good stuff, thanks 🙏 Why do I always ‘tinc gana’ i ‘tinc set’ ? Haha.
I need to remember ‘una copa de vi’ 🍷
Moltes gràcies!